
What Channel Do You Need Help With?

At Planky Digital we have a range of knowledge and experience from across the marketing industry

Channel Beginners Guides.

Our Planky Digital quick easy channel guides are perfect for beginners designed to make it easy for you to identify what is needed for your business. Each guide will breakdown what the channel can bring to your business, how to implement and useful tips.  Before reading our channel guides you may want to take a couple of minutes to learn some digital marketing basics here.
database search, database search icon, data search

Search Ads

Whenever a customer performs a search in Google or Bing their is an opportunity to pay to appear on the page and drive them to your business using the platforms pay-per-click service.

symbol, gui, internet

Search SEO

If you don't wish to pay-per-click to bring traffic to your site there are opportunities to optimise your website to appear at the top of organic traffic on a search page.

facebook, button, pin

Social Ads

Reach customers on social platforms by paying for sponsored ad space and target your ideal scrolling user across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and more.

parts, networking, social media

Social Organic

Create engaging content across social channels to keep your customers interested in your business and build a brand identity.

click, tag, button

Banner Ads

Reach customers across the worldwide web by paying for banner ads to appear for relevant users including on YouTube, Gmail and for many other Google partners.

letters, message, write

Email Marketing

Connect with your customers by sending them the latest on your business, keep them engaged with enticing content or draw them in with your latest offers.

button, speaker, symbol

Audio Ads

Reach customers through their ears on the ad sponsored Spotify service and increase your brand awareness.

Digital Marketing Basics

The Customer Funnel.

Every channel has a place in the customer journey funnel. It is important for your business to have an understanding of where each channel sits, so they are used efficiently to save you time and budget. The channel and its content will target customers at different stages of there customer journey and the content should reflect this. In each guide, we have provided this information in our why sections. 

Top funnel stuff usually consists of large audiences with many different interests and you will need your content to have a generic messaging or offers so you aren’t wasting money with ads that aren’t relevant to your audience.

e.g. ‘south america travel’ or ‘best customer service’ or ‘top ten trainers’  

Upper mid funnel which unlike awareness this is a more specific interest so this is where most brands, specific locations or specifc  would sit.

e.g. ‘Nike trainers’ or ‘London to Paris options’ or ‘how to make banana bread’

Lower mid-funnel this is where the customer is showing some intent and considering their options by researching.

e.g. ‘best Nike trainers’ or ‘cheapest flights to Paris’ or ‘local barbershops’ or ‘London plumber’

This end of the funnel is where the customer could walk into your store or you get a lead or sale online. The customer very likely didn’t start here and found you at one of the other funnel stages above. 

After the customer has taken action with you for most businesses its unviable to leave it there. You want them to keep returning and build a relationship and tell there friends about your business.


Top Tips.

Why do customers come to your business? Is it your prices? Or great customer service? Or something else? When you’ve identified these make sure you place them in your messaging when relevant to the channel.

With your customers are you fun? Or straight to the point? Or are you inspiring?  Or something else? Keep in mind when you are writing content for your website or ads you need to make sure you have your own consistent tone of voice in your writing and audio. Only you can know your customers and what they like!

P.S. Do you have a logo? If possible make sure it’s on everything you do!

What are your competitors doing well? Which channels are they appearing on? Do you think you can one-up them and do better? Is there anything that looks its not working well?

If its possible test different text to see what performs better with your customers. You can do this in emails and with ad tests in Google and Facebook. The more you test the more you know your customers like!

Get more tips in our blog section or head back up to our channel guides

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