Top 5 Free SEO Tools.

Get Your Website Ranking With No Budget

Benefits Of Free SEO

Before looking at the top 5 free SEO tools it is important to highlight the advantages of starting free. Firstly is the minimal risk, if your business is just starting out online it may be unclear how it will perform. SEO tools are some of the most expensive in the online world due to the competitiveness to get to the top of the Google Search Engine Page. So starting out with these free tools could help you grow quickly or at least give you the starting blocks to maybe invest in better tools down the line.

The best free SEO tool, if you don’t have the Google Console you’re going to struggle to see how you’re website is performing. The insights can show you the Google queries that are coming through and from which country. The console is also connected to Google’s page insights so you can also see your website speed with a helpful break down of what’s slowing your website down.

The console can be pretty daunting to start with but Google provides some training videos to help you get to grips with it.

If you’re doing your SEO right you will need to pay attention to how often keywords or phrases appear in your text. With this SEO tool you can get a clear picture of how often your key phrases are appearing in headlines, text and links. As well as a breakdown of your links going off-site.

These free SEO tools maybe a little scary looking if you’re unfamiliar to webpage sources. But these W3 validator tools are great for identifying errors on your website. The HTML validator looks at the creation of your website it can identify errors that Google bots might hit when scanning your page. This could include headline size and image errors.

The CSS validator goes into a bit more detail looking at the controlling and style of the page. So if your using a website builder you might not have a lot of control over this.

Both tools can be prone to errors and limitations so don’t panic if you have 100 or so errors. You can learn more in the about sections for each tool on the W3 website. 

Okay so the Moz free trial is for only 30 days, hence why it’s forth on our list. This SEO tool is your one-stop-shop for help improving SEO. Get data presented in a simple format and more insight into your websites ranking.

So the SEMrush free trial is only 7 days compared to the 30 days Moz free trial, hence why it’s fifth in our list. This SEO tool is best suited for agencies as you can monitor multiple websites with an account and can provide some powerful results. But this tool can get complicated if you’re new to SEO, so 7 days might not be enough time to get a grip on it. 

In Conclusion

There are some useful free SEO tools out there but SEO can be complicated if you’re new to website building. Moz as well as offering a free 30 days also has courses in their academy. You could combine these together to learn SEO best-practices and build content. Then when the trial ends you can make use of the other free tools in this blog such as keyword density and the validators. Then depending on how you perform in the console and in analytics, you could look to explore paying for an SEO tool.

The Author.

Tom Haynes

Worked in SEO since 2015, has experience driving organic traffic to multiple websites through search engine results pages.

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