About Us

What Makes Us Tick

Who Are We

Digital guru’s, with experiences working for various businesses and projects

Our Mission

Grow and strengthen businesses in the digital space no matter there budget

What We Do

Provide advice and help in building your businesses digital marketing strategy

Our History.

Planky Digital was formed by Director Tom Haynes in 2019 who after years working in the industry decided to pull on his knowledge and experience along with a little help from his friends and past colleagues together to provide a service for businesses to build a digital presence online. After Tom saw that many businesses were worried about investing in digital he decided to create Planky Digital to help educate businesses and for them to get a better foothold online. Our goal is to challenge that ‘worried’ narrative and allow everyone to have the opportunity to strengthen their business online.

Digital Guru's.

Tom Haynes - Planky Digital Director

Background - Working in a range of channels including Google Ads, YouTube ads and Spotify ads.

Experience - Implementing multi-channel plans with six-figure annual budgets in place. Building an online presence from scratch for a range of businesses with new websites, email platforms and social channels.

Odd Fact - Tom's Instagram is a series of photos of me posing as a T-Rex across the world

James Green - Turns Clicks Into Customers

Background - Working in a range of channels including Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Experience - Helped hundreds of small businesses from restaurants to sports clubs appear online through his company Evergreen Growth & Marketing.

Odd Fact - Coached English International & Chelsea Football Club Player Mason Mount at youth level once (taught him everything he knows)

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